Font Sizes in Puzzles

Cloudorka LLC
2 min readAug 18, 2020


Instant Puzzle Generator (Cloudorka)

Font size matters.

Large-print is an incredibly popular niche in Amazon, not to mention, service that helps people with impaired viewing to enjoy text like others do.

The Instant Puzzle Generator creates images, not text files. Reason is that we want to preserve the integrity of design, no matter what trim size you use.

The images that we generate can be thought of as 1000px base width for better understanding. (For PDFs, PPTs and images we generate 2000px width images, but your font sizes get scaled accordingly). However, the app displays it at 1000px for faster viewing. (Hence, you should not download images by right clicking on them. Use the download button instead to download images at a higher resolution)

To that end, we have finalized an approximate empirical chart. For example if you use 40px in the app for a puzzle and download a PDF or a PPT in a trim size of 8.5 by 11in, it will translate to a 18px size in Powerpoint.

To see it in action, look at the image shown beside.

Now, the software tries to place at least a 1in margin on left and right assiduously.

So, if you use a trim size of 8.5 by 11in, then you are using a width of 6.5in.

Restrictions: Of course, all this depends on the aspect ratio of the image being maintained, meaning that the height of the image DOES NOT cross 1294px for a 1000px width (2588px for 2000px). We are researching on a more generic solution and let you know once we have one.

Based on the above restrictions, following is the chart:

Niranjan and I (BP) will keep you posted.

